Formerly known as Physicians Plus Insurance, Quartz Health Insurance Corporation earned national recognition as a managed care organization focused on providing high-quality, innovative products to improve the health of its members and the community. Founded in 1986, the company offers health insurance to select members in south central Wisconsin.
Contact Quartz
Live chat
Current Members:
Toll-Free: (800) 362-3310
Local: (608) 644-3430
Employers & Agents:
Toll-Free: (800) 926-8227
Toll-Free: (800) 362-3310
Quartz Health Solutions, Inc.
840 Carolina Street
Sauk City, WI 53583
Helpful Tools and Resources
Illinois Info
Wisconsin Info
Wisconsin Plan PDF’s 2022:
Quartz One
Quartz One & Tiered Choice
Beloit One & Tiered Choice
WI Dental